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Custom block

Custom block will be changed since fivim 2.1.

Basic structure and parameters

The data structure of a custom block is similar to:

<code class="dataJson">
{"content":"let aaa=123;\n\n//111\n//222\n// 333\n\nlet bbb=456;"}

Parameter Description:

  • div.custom-block: Indicates this is a custom block.
  • data-type="code-block": The type of this block is “code block”.
  • data-uuid="4dffc94a-3ace-408b-8b49-69d9b73989ef": Indicates the identity of the block.
  • data-lang="rust": Indicates the language of this block.
  • code.dataJson: The raw data of the block is stored using JSON, and the data type can be defined by yourself.

Implement plugins

For specific implementation methods, please refer to the code of code-block.

The components of custom blocks need to provide several methods according to the definition of CustomiBlockComponentRef:

export type CustomBlockComponentRef = {
initBlock: () => void;
genBlockRenderData: (
dataset: BlockEleDataSet,
dataJsonStr: string
) => BlockElePreviewData;
setDialogOpen: (status: boolean) => void;
clickHandler: (target: HTMLDivElement, clostCbEle: Element) => void;
  • initBlock Used for initialization.
  • genBlockRenderData Used to generate rendering data.
  • setDialogOpen Used to set the dialog box status for plugins.
  • clickHandler Used to handle click events.

Rendering and click events

In renderCustomBlock, all custom blocks will be traversed, and the rendered data will be obtained by calling their respective genBlockRenderData method based on different types. Afterwards, a .review will be inserted within the .custom-block to display the rendered results.

In handleClick, the click event is sent to the respective clickHandler method for processing according to the different types.